


2025학년도 1학기 대학 및 대학원(일반·전문·특수) 신(편)입생 학생증 신청 안내

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2025학년도 1학기 대학 및 대학원 신()입생 금융기능 학생증 예약 신청 안내
금융기능 학생증이란? 하나 은행 금융계좌를 통해 체크카드와 교내 학생증을 동시에 활용할 수 있는 카드입니다.
금융기능 학생증에 등록된 계좌는 향후 학사업무 및 장학금 수령 등에 사용할 예정
상기 기간에 학생증을 신청하지 못한 학생은 교내 시설(도서관 및 각 건물) 이용과 전자 출결 등에서 제한을 받을 수 있음
1.내국인 (내국인은 금융기능학생증으로만 발급 가능)
구분 기간 방법
1단계 2025. 02. 10. () 10:00 ~ 2025. 02. 20. () 18:00 (10일간) 스마트폰 QR 인증
(본인 스마트폰만 가능)
2&3단계 2025. 02.22. () 10:00 ~ 2025. 02. 23. () 18:00 (2일간)

1단계QR (개인정보활용동의) 2단계QR (연결통장신규개설) 3단계QR (고려대 학생증발급신청)

학생증 신청은 반드시 ‘1단계 사전 예약 등록부터 3단계 발급 신청’까지 모든 단계를 완료하셔야 합니다.

2. International Students
Pre-Application for Non-Financial Student ID Issuance
Category Period Method
Student ID
February 21, 2024 (Fri) 10:00 ~
February 23, 2024 (Sun) 18:00 (3 days)

QR authentication via smartphone
(available only on smartphones)

Distribution Schedule
Category Date Location Note
Non-Financial Student ID March 4, 2025 (Tue) The administrative office of one's university department Bring ID when collecting

IDs that are not collected within 3 months will be automatically discarded in the system
(reissuance will incur a fee).
No need to visit
ONE-STOP service center.
Detailed Instructions for Pre-Application of Non-Financial Student IDs
1)International students must submit their alien registration card to their department's administrative office (seminar room) after official enrollment.
Students who wish to receive a financial student ID cannot apply via the webpage above. After enrollment, they must visit Hana Bank (Korea University Branch: 1st floor of INCHON -Building next to Woodang Hall) with the required documents to apply for issuance.
Required documents: Alien registration card, passport, certificate of enrollment, 1 photo, fee
2)For non-financial student IDs, students can either apply via the webpage above or visit the ONE-STOP service center after enrollment with an ID (alien registration card or passport) and a photo (passport-style or ID photo) to apply for issuance.
3Inquiries (ONE-STOP Service Center)
Humanities: 02-3290-1142, 1144 Sciences: 02-3290-4092
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